Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Year 1, Semester 1 - In Review

Now that I am well past the stress of final exams, and have received all of my marks for my classes, I thought that I would reflect on my first semester here at the School of Optometry.

Firstly, I just have to say that I am glad that it is over. Upper year students say that first semester, first year, is one of the worst semesters that we will have. I would definitely agree with this statement - except that isn't really fair yet, since it is the only semester I have experienced. I'm not sure if it is more difficult because the material is harder in this semester, or if it is that combined with the fact that we are all adjusting to lots of change in our lives. Either way, I know that it was hard. 7 classes, 3 labs, 1 tutorial. 10 midterms. Assignments. 7 finals crammed into a two-week time slot. I could probably safely say that my stress level has been elevated to a whole new level this semester.

Adjusting to the schedule has been hard as well. I haven't been to school all day, every day, since high school. And then, after a 7-hour day of classes, I usually come home and study for several more hours before going to bed. In some ways, I feel like all I did this semester was go to school, and sit at my desk. Fortunately, I did manage to squeeze some fun things in there as well, and I will try to do more of that this semester.

But, it wasn't all hard, and at the same time, it was enjoyable. I can honestly say that I enjoyed learning about what we did. Sure, it was dry at times - but, mostly, the stuff that we learned about was pretty interesting. It is nice to finally be focused in what we are learning. And, I feel like I have learned SO much! It's unbelievable to think about how much I have learned in these past four months!

My class has been great! It is so weird to think that four months ago, I hadn't even met these people, and now, they are such a huge part of my life. We have spent a lot of time together, and will continue to over the next four years. It is nice to have all of our classes together, and to all be able to help each other out when we need to.

For the most part, I am happy with how the semester ended up. Sure, my marks could have been better in some classes, but I am happy with what my marks are. Having my overall grade drop has been hard to adjust to at times, but I am slowly realizing that I am not going to get the same marks that I did in Regina, and that that is okay.

There were definitely highs and lows this semester. The highs were great, and the lows just downright sucked. But, we all need highs and lows - and I know that I experienced the broad range over this semester. Overall, I am thankful to be here, learning and growing.

So . . . what does this new semester hold? Several people have said that this semester will be less stressful - which is a huge weight off of my shoulders. So far (after one day of classes), things seem pretty interesting! And one of the highlights of this semester is that we get to start practical techniques. It will be good to be using our hands, and starting to do the "real" stuff, instead of just the "book" knowledge. Not that I'm saying that "book" knowledge isn't important, but it will just be cool to finally start on the practical stuff.

Well, that's it for my ramblings on my first semester here. Hard to believe that I am already done #1 and am on to #2!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jilly,
So good to read your writings after day one. I hope that this semester offers you knowledge and practical opportunities, and less stress than semester one brought your way. I take on your stress too so less would be good for both of us!! And just think - you will be home in February for reading week and then home again in April once the semester is over. So the only month we won't see you is March (but because of good old Skype and the digital camera, we will even see you then!) Take one day at a time. I know you always do your best. We are proud of you.
Mom xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jilly, this is dad. Downhill from here. You are exactly half way to where you want to be. You are exactly 3 1/2 years into 7 years of schooling. Like I said it is downhill from here. If you feel a burden share it with us and also share your joys with us. That is why God gave you parents.
Love Dad