Sunday, April 27, 2008


The beginning of the end. Or maybe more appropriately the beginning of the beginning. As of tomorrow (April 28th), I will officially be in my 4th (and final) year of Optometry school. The final step of school, but the first step of what I'll be doing the rest of my life.

The last couple weeks have been kind of strange emotion-wise. It's just been a whole mumble-jumble of different things. I wrote my last university exam. I said goodbye to my friends and classmates, most of whom I won't see for a whole year until we come back together to write boards and graduate. I packed up boxes and boxes of my stuff in Waterloo and made the long drive back to Regina with my dad. And now, I'm back in Regina, a place that I haven't spent more than two months at a time in since I left 3 years ago. A place that will always be home - but isn't fully 'home' anymore either. A place that has always been separate from my Optometry world - but starting tomorrow will fully be a part of it.

It's all kind of strange feeling right now - but I don't doubt that I'm where I'm supposed to be, doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I've had lots of little things to remind me of that.

Well, I'm off to get a few things ready for the morning. I'm off to Moose Jaw tomorrow, so it will be an early morning. More thoughts later once I'm more into things...

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