Sunday, August 01, 2010

I've been back for over two weeks now ... yet everything about my trip seems like it was years ago. And I miss it. A lot. I'd give anything to be able to get on a plane, and be back with everyone again. Coming back to reality is always hard for me. And for me, the more I go, the more I feel like I'm meant to go. Not necessarily always to Estonia. But also back to Zambia, Tanzania, El Salvador ... and to so many other places as well. I'm that restless wanderer that thrives on going. I feel the most 'myself' when I'm able to go and explore and serve. I'm already dreaming about the next opportunity I'll have to go ...

Yet even as I'm sad about not being in Estonia anymore, I can't help but be thankful for all the people whose life paths have crossed with mine there, and in all the other places I've been over the last couple years. Of course, saying goodbye is always hard, but I can be glad that our stories are now intertwined, and hopefully our life paths will lead us back together at some point. I know the story of my life wouldn't be the same without all of them! I love my global family!

But, I'm also enjoying being back in BC, and am enjoying the summer here! Here's some of what I've been up to the last couple weeks:
  1. My dad came out to visit for a week. He actually arrived at my house only 1 hour after I did. He came bearing a few pieces of furniture for me (handmade by him, of course!), and helped me get lots of odd jobs done around my place. We had a great week together!
  2. Riding around on my new scooter! My dad and I got out for several rides around town, and I've been out a couple times with friends. It's SO fun!
  3. Church BBQ last Sunday at Monck Park. Got to go swimming in the lake, and spend time with friends.
  4. My 26th birthday! It was a little bit different to not be celebrating it in another country! I worked the morning, and then spent the afternoon and evening out at the Snee's cottage on Allison Lake. A very relaxing day!
  5. A full-day hike yesterday up Stoyoma mountain with several friends. We hiked about 20km, between 9 and 4:30, and reached an elevation of 2300m at the summit. The only downside was the mosquitoes - they were awful the entire time, even at the summit. The view also wasn't great, due to the smoky air from forest fires - but the scenery was still pretty amazing! Other than that, it was a great day!
Cabin Lake

Lunch break
Beautiful scenery

Looking towards the summit

With dear friends, Erin and Michelle. Erin and her husband, Benni, have been in Merritt since April, and I've really enjoyed having them here. They're not sure where they'll be come fall, but I'm hoping they get to stay around here a little longer. Michelle has been an intern at the church for the summer, and has been so fun to get to know. I'm so thankful for both these girls!

I'm heading home for one week on August 14th, so that I'll be home for Jonathan and Sarah's wedding on August 21st. I'm REALLY looking forward to being at home, especially since I haven't been there since Christmas. I'm looking forward to hearing stories from Zambia, being able to show my pictures from Italy and Estonia, and just being able to see so many of my family and friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no... I am flying out on the 15th of August. Do you think we will be able to squeeze in a visit... lol! crystal