Monday, September 20, 2010

And while I'm on the topic of sibling love, I need to take a few minutes to talk about Alicia. I love this girl. So much. And I've loved watching her over the past couple years, as she has discovered so much about herself, and learned to be comfortable with who she is. And while we're different in a lot of ways, we've also discovered how alike we really are. We love and are passionate about a lot of the same things. And we both love a good adventure! Which means we are constantly planning our next one!

Isn't she beautiful? She's glowing (and not just because of the sun shining behind her!). She's doing what she loves ... and you can tell just by looking at her. And I'm so proud of her. Because of what she's doing, but also just because of who she is. I wish I could be along on this adventure with her (especially because it's a place where I've already had my own adventure, and would love to return!) - but I know that she is doing amazing on her own, and will be a stronger, better person, because of her experiences in Tanzania. I can't wait to see her again, and hear all about it, and start planning our next adventure together!


Alicia Slywka said...

way to make me cry!

I would not be the person I am today without you! You have guided me and led to me be who I am and I am so thankful for that! You paved the way for me! I love that we love the same things and I love that we can travel the world together! I can't wait for the things we will do and the things we will see! We are an unbeatable duo and we will change the world! I can't wait to see you either! I love love love you!
I can't wait for our next adventure!

Ed Slywka said...

Way to make my cry girls! God has blessed me so richly by giving me two wonderful, beautiful daughters.