Sunday, September 19, 2010

I've been gone from here for awhile ... but only because I was computerless for the past 3+ weeks. I got my computer back a couple days ago, and have been working trying to get everything put back onto it. So much work ... ugh. But worth it in the end, I guess.

Lots has happened in the past month or so, with none being more exciting than Jonathan & Sarah's wedding! I flew home on August 14th, and was home for the whole week leading up to the wedding. It was a great week ... full of good times with the family and friends. The wedding itself was BEAUTIFUL ... such an amazing day, celebrating the coming together of two amazing individuals. I loved seeing the love between Jonathan & Sarah, and how happy they both are, but especially Jonathan. Jonathan has been an incredible big brother to Alicia and I, and it brings my heart so much joy to see him so happy. As his sisters, we had the honour of doing the toast to Jonathan at the reception - and aside from making both of us a little teary-eyed, it was great to share just a little bit of what he's meant to both of us. I'm just so proud of him! And I'm so happy to now be able to call Sarah my sister! I'm so looking forward to sharing life along with them in the years to come! :)

Pedicures at Coco on the day before the wedding

Such a lovely couple! :) I love them both!

But the most fun part of the day was the DANCE!! I loved dancing with all my friends and cousins - and seeing Jesse dance the whole night! What a kid!!


My new favourite picture of all of the Patterson cousins ... we know how to have a good time together!

Had fun with these guys too ... always good to see friends like the Butels!

Jesse, dancing with all the ladies! :)

And just because we're cool, we took some sweet pictures with the camera timer at the end of the night! :) Here's my faves from that:

1 comment:

melissa. said...

you guys made us all a little teary-eyed. sweet pics!