Saturday, October 09, 2010


It's Thanksgiving weekend, and I'm a little bit sad to not be at home. It's been five years now that I've lived away from home - but this is the first year that I won't be at family's house for Thanksgiving. During my Waterloo years, I was blessed to be able to spend my Thanksgiving weekends with my extended family in Ancaster, so even though I wasn't with my immediate family, I was still with family.

And then last year, Thanksgiving was my last weekend at home before I moved to BC, so I got to celebrate it with the whole family - which is always a good time.

And now this year, I don't have any family around. I'm going for turkey dinner tomorrow with the other doctors family, which is really nice - but it's just not quite the same as being with your family.

Yet, even though I'm all by myself this Thanksgiving, I still have much to be thankful for - and I want to focus on the blessings in my life, instead of what I don't have. So, here's a few of the things that I've been thankful for recently:

  • My mom and dad - the older I get, the more I realize how incredible my parents are. They truly are some of the most generous, loving people that I know, and they have served as amazing examples in all areas of life. There's nothing like having parents that understand and support you and your dreams.
  • Alicia - so thankful for this girl, and for all the fun times we've had together. Looking forward to having her come and live with me in the new year.
  • Jonathan, and new sister, Sarah - so blessed to have a big brother, and to now have another sister. I'm also thankful that their wedding gave the whole family a good excuse to come together and have a great time!
  • The opportunity that I had to return to Estonia in July
  • A stable, good-paying job
  • My house, and my housemate, Erin, that I get to share my space with for a couple months
Of course, there are oh-so-many-more things that I am thankful for - but these are the biggies right now. I'm just so incredibly blessed - and when I stop to actually think how amazing life is, I'm usually just blown away. So glad to be living this life - and looking forward to all that is yet to come!

Off to drink some tea, and eat some pumpkin pie! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are on my list of things to be so thankful for! It was fun to talk to you today and include you in on our family gathering. I love you.