It's been raining here pretty much non-stop for over a week. I'm getting pretty sick of it. There a big thunderstorm last night - I can't believe how loud the thunder was. Pretty incredible, actually. In my room, up in the attic, I can hear the rain on the roof really well. I like the sound of the rain. But I hate the feeling of being wet. And I hate how humid it is here when it rains. I need a rain jacket on since it is raining, but I'm sweating buckets underneath since it is so humid. There is no happy medium. Oh well.
One of my housemates, Heidi, just left today to spend over two months in Papua New Guinea. Just recently, she decided to take the semester off of Bible College, and to go somewhere, get away, and get her feet wet in missions. It will be quieter around here without her - but I know that she will come back a changed person, stretched and challenged by what she has experienced. I wish I had the freedom to just decide to take a semester off like that.
It's almost Thanksgiving! I can't wait. I think I will be out at my Aunt Noreen's and Uncle Frank's house again this year. I like being at their house. It's kind of like being home.
And lastly, I miss Zambia. I don't think a day goes by when I don't recall my time there this summer. On long busy school days, it is what brings a smile to my face. Here's just a few pictures - some of my favourites.

Oh, such sweet faces and sweet memories! The pictures take me back.
We are thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the updated blog...I guess its time for me to do the same! Glad to know that you are well in Waterloo. Thanks for the sweet smiles in the the memories. LOVE THEM!!
Talk to you soon friend...
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