Mom, Dad and Alicia were here last weekend for a visit. It was a great time, but definitely too brief. We spent the time visiting, shopping, and watching football. Besides the football, everything else was awesome. It was nice to show Alicia around here - and to just have her here to bug and laugh with. And of course, it was great to have mom and dad back here. I'm thankful that they had the opportunity to come, and that I had a whole weekend to not think about school very much. I needed a break! I miss them all - but I am already looking forward to when I get to go home in 5 weeks!
Yesterday I had my first of two practicals for this semester. It went quite well. The practicals can be nerve-wracking at times - but with each one, the nerves tend to settle down a bit. And I can't get around them at all - they have to be done, so I may as well learn to "enjoy" them! The last one is next Friday, and is just a short one (10 minutes, compared to 50 minutes), so I'm not feeling too nervous about it, just yet.
Jonathan and Jeremy left a week ago for China. They're enjoying a week of tennis in Shanghai, before heading on to Hong Kong to visit Harm. I'm slightly jealous, and am wishing that I was there with them right now. What a great trip - I can't wait to hear stories!
And lastly, I want to give out a big CONGRATULATIONS to Tamara and Matthew, two of my favourite people! They were engaged on Monday night. I knew it was coming sometime soon, and was so excited to hear the news! For those of you who don't know, Tamara is one of my lifelong friends. Our friendship has lasted through time and distance, from sleep-overs in Winnipeg to youth rallies, camp and high school to young adults and university. We have travelled the world together three times (twice to Zambia, once to Estonia), have been roommates in three different countries (Zambia, Estonia and Canada), and always seem to end up talking to each other in a room full of other people! We never have a shortage of things to talk about! She is an encourager, a confidante, and someone who just understands me. I'm so thankful for her! I've only really gotten to know Matthew in recent years, when he became an important part of Tamara's life. But I've enjoyed getting to know him since then, and I know that he is such a great guy! Plus, they are so perfect together! Tamara and Matthew - I am so excited for both of you, and for your life together. God has big plans for both of you, individually and as a couple, and I'm excited to continue watching those take shape!
Here's a picture of the happy couple at Vic Falls this summer in Zambia:

Such fun to visit with you last weekend, Jilly. The time did fly, didn't it? Less than five weeks now and you will be back at home for Christmas.
Wasn't it a delightful bit of news to hear of Tamara and Matthew's engagement? They are such special people, individually, and as a couple. We are blessed to have them as friends.
Love, mom
Sweet! Thanks friend:)
I love you lots! How many sleeps until you're home for Christmas?!
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