Saturday, October 22, 2005

God's Love . . .

Something I've been thinking about lately:

Recently, someone very close to me, whom I love and treasure, has chosen to walk away from me, ignore me, and do things that hurt me. Needless to say, it has caused me a lot of pain, as I want nothing more than to love them, and to have them love me in return. And no matter what I do to show them that I care for them, it never seems to be enough.

The other day on the bus, this got me thinking about my relationship with God. God loves and treasures me - He is interested in every detail of my life! Yet, how many countless times have I chosen to walk away, ignore Him, and do things that hurt Him. And I know that it causes Him great pain - He wants nothing more than to be close to me, pour out His love on me, and for me to love Him in return. And so many times, God's great display of His love for me is not enough. It should be more than enough for me to give over my entire life to Him, without any hesitation. Yet, the hesitation is always there - I want it done my way; I think that I know best; I'm willing to give some, but not all . . .

How does God respond to our tendency to turn away? He pursues us, turns us around, and brings us back home. He forgives, and then pours out his unconditional love on us. And He will continue to do this as many times as it needs to be done - because most of the time, I'm still just not able to get it, and make the same mistake over and over again.

I am so thankful that God doesn't write me off after one mistake. I would have been through a long time ago! His love is unconditional and constant - it doesn't become any more or any less depending on what I do or don't do. It is always there - no matter what! How amazing is that!

In terms of our relationships with others, God has given us an amazing example for how we are supposed to love. Through the good times and the bad times, through the joy and the pain, regardless of what the other person has or hasn't done, we are supposed to love others. God gave us a perfect example of love - and in response to that love, it is our job to love others in the same way. It's definitely not the easiest thing to do - but it is something that I am striving for.

God, help me to drink deeply of Your love, and then to share that love with the people around me.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jilly,
When I hear you talk about your hurt, I hurt. Just as you said, I am so thankful that God does not respond to us the way people do. His love is totally unconditional, regardless of what we do and say. Everytime we go through a rejection like you did, it hurts, and we think, WHY? And it seems to linger on. But every trial, every test, every hurt, will cause us to grow, to change, to mature, and to understand. Now it may seem difficult and at times almost unbearable, but in time you will look back and say, I am a better person, I am in a better position or I am more mature or understand better because of what I went through. Trust me Jilly, that is how it works. I think that is all a part of Gods plan. That is, that trials and perseverance will cause you to grow. Some day you will say, I am glad that rejection came when it did!
It pleases me so much to see your faith in God. And that faith can and will help you make it through all kinds of trials. God is most certainly in the process of answering my prayers, when I have prayed for the last 23 years and continue to do so, that my children would grow up with a strong faith in him and maintain that faith for the rest of their lives and be servants of his.
Hang in their Jilly, I can just see you growing spiritually, and I thank God for that.

Love Dad

Anonymous said...

I am finally into this Blogging thing and I feel as though we having a big catch up gab session as I read through your thoughts over the last month. I wish we could just chat about all of this in person. Although I know we have. My dear friend, my heart hurts for you too as I think of your hurt. I appreciate your thoughts on how HUGE God's love is for us. It doesn't make any sense...I am so glad that he pours it so freely over us. I am thankful to Him for watching over you and tenderly healing your hurts. His love is more than enough! Love you! Tam
PS I can't wait until your exams are over so I can talk to you!!!!